To: You IF you are tired of watching others make big bucks online
while you make little or NOTHING
S... Reading This Sales
I Trust These Guys So... |
Are you frustrated because you aren't having the success you have dreamed about online?
Is one of the things that is holding you back online the
fact that you know some of the parts of what to do, but for some reason
when you try to do things, they don't all fit together, or work the way
they are supposed to?
Are you frustrated because you have been working really
hard to make money online, and working long hours, but don't have much
to show for it?
Are you frustrated because every time you buy another
training that promises some new "secret" that it is really just some
teaching with a new angle to it - but nothing really new?
Have you tried system and system, program after program,
and they all end up the same way - without making you the money you know
you deserve?
Are you tired of buying product after product, learning one
new technique, only to find that you need "just one more" to have
Does it anger you that there are folks online selling 3 click-riches programs that just flat-out don't work?
Are you frustrated with trying tactic after tactic and
technique after technique only to not make the kind of money you've been
dreaming about?
Are you living the financial life you desire?
If not, let us ask you this: why not?
You are online, searching...
You have likely bought products or trainings that have
not gotten you the results that you want. Was it something like this: a
fancy, hyped up sales letter promised you that in just a few days, you
would know all the secrets you needed to make all the money you ever
wanted? Yeah, we know the page
And it's not your fault. We've both bought trash like that. So have
many thousands or millions of others. In fact, do you know there are
people online who make a living just selling products to people who will
never get results?
That's right. And many times those products are empty - not
literally, but in their meaning. Because you can study 10 hours of
training, watch videos, read tutorials - but you know how it is, you get
to something you don't "get" and you get stuck. You literally CANNOT
implement what is taught unless you ask a question. But you hit reply to
the email you got from the seller and no one responds. Or they tell you
to submit a support ticket to some firm in India. (Nothing against
India, but hey, can someone making $2 an hour in India really tell YOU
how to make $100k here???)
Here's the thing, there are some specific steps that must
occur in order to make money online. And if all of those elements aren't
in place, you probably aren't going to make any money. Period.
You see, building an online business is much like building an
offline business. For example, if you were to open a sandwich shop, what
would you need?
You would need:
A location (preferably one where there is a lot of traffic out front during lunchtime)
A good sandwich recipe
A toaster oven
A cold case
A refrigerator
A cash register
A few employees
A method of telling people you are open (advertising, signage, etc.)
If any one of those elements are missing, you aren't
going to be making money
If your sandwiches are no good, no one's coming back
If you don't have a cash register and a person to take
the payments, you won't have money coming in
If you don't have a location or advertising, no one is
coming in to buy sandwiches
And it's the same online
You need:
A location (a website)
Something to sell that people want to buy
A delivery mechanism for delivering that something (either
postal system if selling a physical item, a digital download system if
selling information)
A selling mechanism (meaning a way to tell other people that
you have something of value that is convincing enough for people to pay
A way to take money (merchant account, shopping cart, etc.)
If any of these is missing, you aren't going to be
making any money
If you are trying to sell something no one wants, you aren't
going to make sales. And unfortunately, I see too many people come into
online marketing with an idea that is really cool - but no one wants to
buy it. And they spend their time trying and trying to talk people into
it, but still no one buys. Why not just find something to sell or teach
that others really want to buy????
If you don't have a website so people can find your
product, if you don't have a way to deliver it, if you don't have all
those pieces in place, you just aren't going to be making money online
So what about you?
What piece is missing for you?
Are you in the wrong niche?
Are you selling something no one wants?
Or maybe you have something everyone wants, but you are doing a
really lousy job of telling them about it
Maybe you have a lousy sales page. Maybe when someone
joins your list, your email campaign is really lousy
Maybe your emails turn people off instead of turning
people into buyers
So what is it?
What is holding you back from the online success that you want?
The truth of the matter is this: You can blame the bad
products you bought
You can blame the bad training you have received
But the fact remains - if that training didn't teach
you each of the components we just shared with you, then of course it
didn't work
It doesn't matter what the sales page said, or how
strong the guarantee was
We don't have a staff of 50 people, and tell you
you can duplicate what we do from your spare bedroom
Ever tried to fit
50 workers in your bedroom? Go ahead and laugh. Laugh out loud. We are.
Because it doesn't work
So let's face it - your best way of learning isn't
learning from some long haired hippie kid who's laying on the beach, nor
to learn from some stuffed shirt accountant with 27 employees (unless
that's what you want to be)
Your best way of learning is to learn from someone who
does what you want to do
We do
Here's what we do:
We have a time-tested proven system for getting people
from starting out to making $6,000.00+ a month selling information
We have squeeze pages that convinces people to become
We have more than 200 sales pages that convinces people
to buy our products, invest in membership sites and/or enroll in
And we have a powerful email campaign that
strategically convinces people to invest with us
That's what we do
It is our system
It works
We don't have any other source of income, outside of
this online business
And we can teach you to do the same
From home. From your laptop. From a coffee shop. While
That's what we do
Our entire business is on our 2 laptops (and no worries, it is backed up on remote servers as well :-) )
So we work from home sometimes
We work from a coffee shop sometimes
We work while traveling sometimes
But always on our laptops
Is this what you want?
If so, we can teach you |
Now, one of the things we teach our clients is to have
a simple system
Meaning: consistent traffic, a consistent squeeze page,
a powerful email campaign that you write once, a sales page to sell your
information, a coaching program so people can ask you questions
That's all
If you want something more
complicated, go somewhere else
Sorry, that sounds harsh. It's not. Just the truth
So our system is simple
We don't beg, plead, cajole, sell your name, lie,
cheat, disappear, pawn you off to a $2 worker in India, or anything else
like you've seen other people doing
We simply teach you our system
If this sounds good to you, we're going to make you an
offer you can't refuse. Ok, well, you can refuse it. But it will be an
offer that will change your life if you take us up on it
And if it doesn't, get your money back
That's right: Here's the way it works: You pay a
monthly fee to work with us. If at any time you aren't getting 100%
value from our training, we'll refund your last payment, and cancel your
training. So what that means is, you can get started today, study for 30
days, and if on the 30th day, you want out - just let us know.
We'll refund your money and cancel everything
And one more thing: there are no guarantees of income.
No wild testimonials of freak individuals who "made $1 million dollars
working with us in 22 days" with a big FTC disclosure about how this is
"not typical results". Well of course that's not typical results! It has
probably NEVER occurred before
Look, if you are looking for get rich quick, this isn't
We're not for you
Because making real money online isn't 3 clicks and
then you make a million
Nope. It takes time. The first month you figure out
what you are going to sell and maybe start creating it
The second month you start building a list and selling
The third month you make more sales and start scaling
It's not realistic for it to happen any faster than
that, no matter what anyone else has told you
But let us ask you this, if in the next 3-6 months, you could
radically change your life and get on the path to success selling
information products and offering a little coaching, would it be worth
Would that make a difference in your life?
What would be different?
How would it change the way you live?
The way you travel?
The way you relate to others?
If it would make a difference, let's get started today, shall we?
$97 Scratch that -
$47 a month - LIMITED Seats
Perhaps when you got started online a year or two ago, you were
thinking that by now you would already have full time income coming in,
that you would have paid off all your bills, that you would have taken a
month - long vacation to your favorite place.
You were excited
about all the wonderful things that were going to happen to you - and
you were thinking that by now, you would have all that, right?
So what happened?
Perhaps you started by buying some trainings from different
successful people online, and each one taught you something - but never
Perhaps you even got addicted to buying trainings -
in fact, substituting buying trainings for doing real work
It's easier to buy another training than to shut out the rest of world, and just focus on what you know how to do
Or maybe when you sit down to work, you know so much
about what to do that you get overwhelmed with what is the exact next
step for today
You see, you might have a list of 100 things or 1000
things that you need to do to be successful
You got that list by accumulating all the different
things you have learned from many different people
And maybe you have thought that if you just did all of
them, then you would have success
But in reality, it's impossible to do everything
Successful people don't
In fact, although successful people tend to work smarter,
and with more perseverance than unsuccessful people, they don't always
do more things
Successful people tend to be highly focused, and work on a few very specific things that get results for them
That's why we're very focused about our traffic, getting
it from just 2 tight sources
That's why we're very focused about what we sell - we
only sell what we know will give our clients results. Period. We get
requests all the time to promote this, promote that, but we don't want
to promote anything that doesn't get results. And that's one big reason
why Sean created so much of his own training that is now all included
inside Work At Home Success Academy - We've both been so utterly
disappointed with most of the training out there
Or maybe you are frustrated because although you know how to
do these things, when you go to do them, you get stuck...
The truth of the matter is this:
You need a coach.
That's what working with us will be like!
Here's the thing - you've been struggling because you've
been trying to do it on your own. Sure, you might be buying a training
here, a training there, maybe you are addicted to WSOs and you buy a new
one each day. But that's not real advice. That's just one more 5 hours
worth of things to do. But if they don't all fit together, you have
And you don't want to continue down that path, do you?
In fact, we think that's why you are reading this - because
you want to change your life once and for all, right?
You want to finally make things happen online
so that
you have the success you deserve
Here's the thing - We don't know what you want for
It might be $3000 a month, it might be a million a month
And you can do either
So let us ask you this, what kind of income do you need so that you will be able to write your own ticket for the future?
We mean, really, what would that really mean for you?
Would it mean that you could take your family on a one month vacation anywhere in the world you want to go?
Would it mean that you could pay off all your debts so that you never have to owe anyone anything anymore?
Or would it mean that you could give more to your church, or to people who have less than you?
Let us ask you this, who could you help?
Is there someone or a people group that you really have a
heart for, but you just don't have the money to spare right now to help
How would it feel to be able to give an extra $1000 to your church from time to time?
What about to give $1000 to a needy family in your
neighborhood, how would it feel to be able to just give them a $1000
from time to time to really help them out?
How would that feel?
Would it feel good, like, I'm glad I was able to finally do this?
Here's the thing - as you know, what you have been doing isn't working. It's not working because you aren't making the money you want to.
Do you know how many people we talk with who tell me that they
are "intermediate" or "advanced" marketers but they just aren't making
any money?
Perhaps you feel that way
Like you know all the steps, like you could tell someone
else what to do and how to do it
But when it comes to you - and you go to get started
today on building your business - you go blank. You don't know what to
do next
Does that sound familiar?
Here's the thing: The web has changed a lot lately. There is
overload of information online. Some people call it
And it's becoming a bigger and bigger problem online
these days, because as there is more and more information free for the
taking, it just creates more confusion
You have too much information
It would be like learning how to swim or do karate or
snowboard, and instead of having one person telling you what to do,
there are 17 coaches standing on the sideline, simultaneously screaming
out what to do next. You would get utterly confused and overwhelmed,
right? We know we would!
Read this carefully:
You probably already KNOW more than enough to build a real business, the problem is, you don't know which part of what you know is relevant to you...
And until you have someone personally show you which
part you need for YOU - then you will likely continue to fail to reach
your goals online
The truth of the matter is this: lack of information
isn't why you aren't making more money right now
You probably have hundreds of hours of training on your harddrive
right now
You probably own multiple WSOs, if you wanted to
right now you could find 100 hours of training online for $100 easily.
You may have 100 hours of our training on your computer
And the truth of the matter is, when you listen to
all this training, from Sean or anyone else, you probably think, yeah,
this is great information, this could work for me
But it doesn't
Either because you don't do it right
Or because you don't do it at all, because tomorrow you buy another training program to do something else
So if information isn't the answer, what is?
Why aren't most people making money online, when there is more information than ever before ready for the taking?
Here's the thing, some people are
Some of our clients are
Some of our peers are
I know people who make anywhere from 10k a month to 1
million a month
What's different with these people?
Why aren't most people making it, including you?
One reason is that they just don't know what to do
These People know what the next step is, every single day when they wake up in the morning . . .And
they do it!
Let's face it, even with hundreds of hours of training on your harddrive
- you STILL don't know what you very next step is
Each day you should know the EXACT next step
YOU need to take to grow your business
Another confusion is that what many people are teaching
in the programs you buy is NOT what they themselves are doing to make a
Read this:
People are selling push button, 3 clicks and you're rich
training for $197 that claim to teach you some simple system where you
just have to push 3 buttons and the money comes rolling in.
But they aren't doing the 3 click system
themselves. No, they make their money when you buy their $197 system. That's how they
make their money. And to get people to buy, they craft a simple system
that looks real easy to do, just so you'll buy the system.
But they aren't making money with the system,
they are making money from selling a $197 program teaching you to do a system
they have never done themselves.
Feeling sick yet?
You should be
It's just plain wrong
It's plain old stealing
So what about the other end of the spectrum?
Maybe you've bought a $8k or $10,000 program and you were
sorely disappointed. It wasn't outright fraud like the $197 example
above - but there was so much complexity and work involved that you just
didn't follow through. And when you asked for help, no one wanted to
help. Because s/he already had your money...
Look, if that's happened to you, you are probably
feeling angry right now. You see, that's wrong too
So what's the answer?
Frankly, it's so simple, yet for most people
frighteningly difficult to do
You see, to make an income online, make a real,
$100K income, YOU need a very special mix of ingredients
You need traffic
You need an entry level product to sell
And you need a coaching program
And you need them all in a very special mix
Too much of one and not enough of the other, and
you'll fail
Too much of another, and not enough of the other,
and you'll fail
The mix is critical
How would it feel to have the mix?
How would it feel to be able to crank out
$100k in the next 12 months online?
What would you do with the extra money?
How would your life change?
Here's the thing - We have the mix
We know what works
We know what doesn't
The fads don't
Studying the latest WSO doesn't
Buying more products doesn't
We know what to write in each email
We know what to put in a product to make sales
We know what to put in an email campaign, so that people
We don't say all this to brag, but it's the truth
That's right
Hi JayKay
Thanks for your time and patience, it's been a pleasure actually
dealing with a person and not an internet marketing sharks robot
mail responder, it's been a breath of fresh air.
I took a look at your other stuff and liked what I saw especially
your charity work, I've worked in many of these countries during my
Senior Pipeline Construction Inspection career and know what these
places are like.
Kindest regards and god bless, you're a man in a million.
Peter Bailey
That's where the real work gets done
Here's where the real breakthroughs happen
And that's why we have created this brand new coaching
program, so that you can be coached by Sean in your own pace to get you
those breakthroughs
We push you
to get to the next level, whatever that is for you. So if you are at $0,
the goal might be $3000 a month. Or if you are already at $3000 a month,
the goal might be to get you to $6000
But the key here is that we don't promise you to make $100k in 3 months nonsense "systems" that
don't work. Look we can't promise anyone any level of income. You will only make
as much as you sell, period. And if you have lousy products to sell,
probably no one's buying. And if your sales letter and email campaign
are lousy, probably no one's buying
If you don't want to change your life this year, this coaching is not for you
Because we're going to push you
We're going to push you to be the very best
To get to the success you deserve
Because we believe that will change your life
Sure, at first it may only replace what you already
But once it frees you of your day job,
then you can
really dig deep and scale your business as big as you want
You can choose to just drive more traffic and make more
autopilot sales
Or you can choose to go big and coach others at big
levels (imagine the people you can coach when you can tell them you made
$$xxxx your first year with the system)
What would an online information business mean for you, personally?
Think about it for a second
Would it mean that you could take a longer vacation this year?
Maybe your wife could quit the job she hates?
Maybe your grandchildren can go to a better college, where they really want to go, not just where they can afford
What would it mean for you, personally?
Would you be able to give more to your church?
Pay off your home early?
Travel more?
Really, deep down inside, what would it mean for you to have
your own information business this year that is actually profitable??
So what about YOU?
What would it mean for YOU?
Would it "open a gateway for you and your family to have the financial freedom to do the things you want to do"?
Would your life go from "working a job" to "working a dream"?
Would it reduce stress in your life?
Would it make life easier in your family?
Would it allow you to help more people?
Would it provide your family with stability, income,
less worry, and options for education that would not otherwise be
Would it open up the path to a much more comfortable
life and help you teach your son, your wife and your grandson the value
of dedication?
How would YOUR life change with more income?
Here's the thing with our help you CAN get there, you
can make the money you deserve
You can
You just have to take the next step
Get started with us
You will have a breakthrough
If you don't we'll give you your money back, period
We'll Teach you, Push you, Direct you, Mold you
& Give you the exact answers you need to build a thriving information
By the way, it won't be easy. If you want easy, go buy
another $197 3-Click program, or another $7 WSO. Easy doesn't work
It will be hard work
If you still have hair, you will pull some of it out
You will get so frustrated you can see straight
We'll tell you exactly what to do next
And you will do it
And you will have another breakthrough
So what is all this training worth?
Let me ask you this -
What SHOULD we sell it for?
You see, the knowledge is in our heads
We have used our knowledge to generate over $3,000,000.00
What would it be worth to you to generate just $500,000?
Some people would be thrilled to get a 1000% percent return.
That would be an investment of $50,000 -
Invest $50,000 and turn it into $500,000.
And many more would be willing to invest $5,000 to make $500,000
But the truth of the matter is that not everyone has
the success we've had
We're both what they call "not-typical"
We've had results that are "not typical"
And the average person just doesn't get results like
And we don't know how hard you will work, nor the
results you will get
But let us ask you this, would
it be worth a few hundred a month to gain complete financial freedom
and change your life completely?
How would your life change?
Would you feel like you have really accomplished something, like you have done something you could be proud of for yourself?
Over and above all the money, would it be personally satisfying to achieve success, to be able to say you "did it"?
Look, this is real
YOU can do it
And you need our help to take you every step of the way
We're going to personally guarantee your business
Get started with us today, if in 30 days, you haven't
had the most amazing experience ever, and are not absolutely blown away
by our training, get your money back
That's right - get started with us today - and not only will
give you your money back if you aren't blown away in the first 30 days -
instead of one big upfront payment, this is easy monthly payments - so
you can cancel at any time. The only thing we ask is that if you don't like the
program at any point - let us know that month, we'll give your
money back, but if you stay in the program and take the lessons, it's
not fair to everyone else to give your money back for months and months
prior, is that fair?
So there's no risk. At any point, you can cancel and get
your last month's payment back
You have nothing to lose
Now, here's the way this is going to work:
It's not going to be $10,000 up front
Or $6,000 like similar training online
Or $4,000 . . .
Instead . . . you can get started for just:
$97 Scratch that -
$47 a month - LIMITED Seats
with no obligation . . . you can literally stop anytime you want:
You will receive one new training each week for as
long as you remain enrolled (over 50 hours of training in one year, delivered
PLUS - you will get 2 hours of get-started-fast
training immediately when you sign up
The full value of all of this, if we were to sell it
all separately, is well over $50,000.00
AND - it's fully guaranteed, fully refundable if you don't get results when you do what
we teach
Now - we have to say this: if you don't do the work, you
won't make the money. We're going to give you very specific instructions, exactly what to do to help you achieve your
goals. And of course, as you are selling products and enrolling people
in your own coaching program, you will be making money along the way
How about you?
How would it feel to work with Sean & JayKay?
How much time would you be able to save by getting it right the first time instead of guessing and trial and error?
How much faster could you
achieve your goals by working with someone who's been there done that
for 7 years running - and easily on track - ALREADY - to doing it a 8th
year? (instead of guessing)
So what about you?
Are you ready?
Are you ready to change your life now - forever (at least on this earth!!)
Excellent - go ahead, sign up now
You will get your
first training immediately when you sign up
Now here's the thing: with an offer like this, we can't
work with just anyone
In fact, we don't want to work with everyone
So we reserve the right to take this offer down at any
And once we get as many clients as we can handle, we
will close this offer or raise the price
If you miss out, you miss out
Frankly, we believe this is the opportunity of a
This is YOUR year
This is the year to free yourself from the ups and downs
of the financial system
This is the year to change your life and free your
Let's get started today
Get started today for just:
$97 Scratch that -
$47 a month - LIMITED Seats
Your choice
Perhaps you are wondering ... well, how are we going to work together?
So we'll share that here
But before we do, let us say this:
Don't buy this because of a
bunch of bullet points of all the things you are going to learn
Because we don't want you enrolling with us because you want to learn something
on a list of bullet points
That's probably how you've been buying training for
years now, and you keep learning bullet points, but you aren't making
any more money
We don't want you buying bullet points
You are buying coaching
Working with us
Frankly, we don't know exactly what we're going to
teach YOU
Because this is personal
This is going to be about getting
YOU to achieve YOUR goals
We'll be coaching you on each
step of the way to help you achieve your goals
Not on a bunch of bullet points
Now, how are we going to work with you?
1) You will get to mastermind and network with others in
the coaching
2) PLUS - you will get 10 hours of get-started-fast
training immediately when you sign up
3) You will get to work with us for one full year.
4) You will receive new training each week (over 50 hours of training in the first year)
5) The full value of all of this, if we were to sell it all separately, is well over $50,000.
BUT - if you take action today, you can get in for
just $47 a month AND - it's fully guaranteed, fully refundable if you don't get results when you do what
we teach - Get coached now for just $47 a month:
Ok, we know a few of you will want bullet points
Because you are used to buying based on bullet points
They are NOT listed in the order you will learn them
We will be teaching them to you in the order the YOU
We are going to work WITH YOU on WHAT YOU NEED - not based on some list of bullet points -
BUT - we know you want them - so here they are:
1) How to position yourself in your niche so you are literally perceived as a GURU within 30 days - no matter what your niche
2) Sean's personal method of determining EXACTLY which products to create and what people will buy from you
3) Step by step directions for creating products in as little as 3-5 hours
4) Sean's stupid-simple sales letter formula -
We even GIVE you a sample sales letter he wrote for a client - that
you can EASILY customize for your niche (we even give you exact
directions for that, as well) - so you can write your first sales letter - in
just 2-3 hours
5) Sean's never-before revealed (except to his highest level
Platinum clients who pay upwards of $12k to work with him) automation formula
for automating in your autoresponder every selling email you ever
send...and how to make sure buyers don't get sent the same email again,
and how to queue up multiple products in your sales funnel quickly and
6) Sean's own secret formula for creating one product per week for 8
weeks in a row, so that by the end of 2 months you have 8 products in
your sales funnel, all 8 automatically being promoted to your list based
on how long they have been on your list and what they have already
bought. How to know if you should REMOVE someone from your email list
because they are wasting your time and will probably never buy (did you
know we both on purpose delete as many as 10 - 100 subscribers PER DAY from lists
depending on these characteristics?)
7) Our brand new personal formula for creating more time in your
day for the really important things, and dropping loser tasks like a
hot potato (this is a brand new teaching, never before revealed except
to about 30 special clients)
8) Additionally, we're going to teach you how to
put all of this together, complete with building a list and driving
massive traffic - to literally create an automated MACHINE where you
literally only have to pour traffic in the front end, and sales come out
the backend
In addition, you will learn:
9) How to create a product funnel in just one month, complete
with 4 products, ranging from $100 on the low end, to $2000 on the high
10) How to Determine Precisely What the market will need
in your niche - BEFORE it needs it - so that you can BEAT ALL YOUR
11) Precisely Sean's exact formula for writing a sales letter from
scratch...without any additional sales letter writing classes or
training needed
12) Our own personal never-before-been-revealed outsourcing
formula - where we find our workers, how much we pay them, how we keep them
motivated and working their hardest
13) One more to-be-announced topic - this will be based
on YOUR requests - and these will be evaluated on a first come first
served basis AFTER you have enrolled in this class
In addition to our step by step system for creating an
automated system that works like clockwork, and that is easy to
implement - and the exact system for automating all of this using simple
autoresponder techniques (including some hidden techniques many clients
have never seen), you are also going to learn:
14) How to know EXACTLY which products to create in WHICH order to get the most sales the fastest
15) How to create incredible levels of profit from the buyers on
your list (our buy list generates about $15 PER SUBSCRIBER per month).
16) How to know exactly what to say and write so that BEFORE
someone gets to your sales letter they are READY to buy from you
17) How to correctly manage your time so that you are focusing
on the IMPORTANT things rather than the URGENT (this is Sean's own blended
system he personally developed after studying many time management and
life management experts...and his clients who have been exposed to this
have been BLOWN AWAY)
18) How to create the precise balance between building relationship and making sales
19) Learn the BEST way to create multiple products
fact, one of my techniques ensures you will have over 50 hours of
teaching content in the first year...while simultaneously submitting
over 500 articles to ezinearticles ... and you don't write a word!
In addition to our step by step system for writing emails that
convert - and the exact system for making sales to your email list, you
are also going to learn:
20) How to write subject lines that force people to open your emails and read them
21) How to create incredible levels of response from the emails you
22) How to create content in your emails that offer the right
balance between value for the lead and getting them to click over to
your sales page
23) How to correctly writing/crafting/creating your emails so that they
consistently create trust and sales
24) How to create the precise balance between content and sales emails
to maximize sales from your email list
25) Learn the BEST way to build relationships with your list fast
We'll also teach you:
26) How to use the 7 forms of
psychological trust triggers to bond with your subscribers fast so they
continue to open your emails over time, and buy from you when asked
27) How to write each of the following types of emails (exactly what they are and how they are used as well): credibility email, content emails, free gift emails, trust
building emails, communication emails, high response emails,
re-activation emails, buying emails, selling your product emails,
selling affiliate product emails, product launch formula emails
28) We will teach you each of those types of emails,
exactly how to use them, when to use them in your autoresponder campaign, and how to
write each of those kinds of emails
29) How to time the delivery of
your emails based on the type of list you have, the niche you are in,
and the price point of your product (get this wrong, and sales won't
30) How to know the precise point at which you need to
change what you are offering to a particular list, based on their
31) How to easily create a product launch series of emails
32) How to use articles and PDFs in your email campaign
to create high levels of credibility and trust - and how to sell through
those articles and PDFs (A unique twist in article marketing you
probably have never seen exactly quite like this)
33) Why some types of emails convert well on some lists but really poorly on others - and how to know the difference
34) How to prepare your subscribers for a new launch of a product or
affiliate product and have people ready to take action when the buy
button comes out
35) Discover our secrets for building tight bonds with
his subscribers so they trust him and not only buy, but
consistently purchase multiple products (Sean has some clients who have
bought 20, 30...even 40 times from him! AND JayKay's top 600 clients all spent
minimum $1,000 with him!) and how you can train your
subscribers to do the same thing
36) 3 simple techniques to write your autoresponder fact, an easy way to write a 100 - email autoresponder
campaign in a short period of time (if you had a 100-email responsive
autoresponder campaign, would that increase your income?)
37) Step-by-step methods for writing each individual email
38) How to create multiple sales funnels based on what someone’s first purchase is
39) How to create 50 + email campaigns to sell your products to
your new subscribers
40) How to use advanced website optimization to optimize
the sales conversion rate of each of those products in the campaign.
Meaning that if one product converts at 3% and another converts at 1%,
then the one converting at 3% is moved to the front of the campaign and
the one converting at 1% is moved to the back of the campaign (or taken
off the market, or the sales letter re-written, or the sales letter
split test until it performs better, at which point it is moved back to
a higher point in the campaign
41) How to create one hour of new training per week (that is 50 hours per year, or 250 after 5 years)
42) How to constantly split test the long term customer value based on which squeeze page and traffic source they come in
You'll also learn:
43) How to split test the long run
customer value based on the first product they buy
44) How to scientifically
optimized the process for determining what products will sell the best, based on what they have bought before
45) How to focus on automation, not immediate sales.
This is important. Most people are so concerned with making more sales
this week, that they don’t automate. And if you don’t automate, you
CANNOT grow past your own limit of efficiency. Can’t be done. So you get
stuck, just like you most likely are right now
46) How to run a program of constant
marginal improvement on my sales letters, emails, email campaigns, email
funnels, sales funnels, and all other profit-producing activity
We're Also Going to Teach You:
47) How to master a process of time management that allows
us to get more done in 2 hours per day than most people can get done in 10 hours
48) How Sean keeps his business model and his
implementation of it drastically simple (you cannot personally manage a
million dollar business if you have 117 different systems to
monitor). Because of this, he uses very simply processes, very simple
software, and advanced sampling techniques rather than tracking every
sale and conversion
49) Many more tips and tricks and techniques and things others
might call “secrets” that will boost your internet sales 1000% when you
implement them
50) Our own personal model for determining what people want to buy, and in what order they want to buy
51) Step by step exactly how to write a complete series of emails that
compels your subscribers to do business with you and not your competition
52) A super-simple system of creating world-wide credibility just by creating and publishing easy content online
Here's what you're ALSO going to learn:
53) Sean's foolproof method of positioning yourself as a guru online fast (30 days)
54) The exact way to get buyers to come into your list. If you don't
know this, you are probably getting freebie seekers on your list, and
they don't buy ...
55) Our proven 5 hour product creation method for creating internet
marketing niche trainings fast that sell for between $37 and $97 easy
56) Sean's secret source for getting sales letters
written super fast and that convert really well
57) How to create a coaching program from scratch (with
this secret method, you don't even have to write the first lesson before
your first client pays you)
58) How to record your coaching lessons in such a way that you turn them into long term products
59) How to outsource your traffic for cheap in the Philippines like we do
60) Our super easy method for building a list fast
61) Sean's own personal method of getting 15% - 20% CTR at ezinearticles
while he sleeps
62) How to let your list tell you what they will buy before you create it
63) How to get people to tell you their coaching needs before you create the coaching program
64) The exact formula for writing an eBook that gets results
You are also going to get:
65) Sean's own squeeze page template that is designed for gurus
66) The one secret way that will position yourself as the
go-to person for your chosen niche, even if you don't have any
experience yet - (without this, you'll struggle to get started)
67) Sean's own secret formula for making your entire business - back-of-the-napkin simple
68) Sean's own $250k formula for info-product selling
69) Sean's own formula for getting people to sign up for coaching without a sales letter
And there's more:
70) We're also going to give you Sean's formula for crafting coaching
that is specific to a certain person, recording it, and selling it as
training later
71) Sean's personal method of choosing article topics that converts
72) How to use the search engines to drive buyers
73) Sean's own email-writing formula to get people buying fast once they get on your list
74) How to Choose the Right Products for Your Niche, That Your Prospects Really Want to Buy
75) Exactly how to create your first $37 product
76) Exactly how to create your second $97 product
77) Exactly how to create your third $297 product
78) Exactly how to launch an entry level coaching program
And we also teach you:
79) How to easily think up stuff to teach in your niche
80) How to easily outline your products so that they are really easy to create
81) Also - how to easily write an ebook if you want to add one more product
82) How to Create a 4 product funnel in just one month
83) The step by step easy method for easily recording your products fast
And you will learn exactly:
84) How to Create your first product in just 3 hours
85) How to Create your Second product in just 6 hours
86) How to Launch your coaching program with just 5 hours of preparation
87) Step by step how to organize your product funnel with the right products in the right order
88) How to easily sell your new products online
89) How to Become Unbeatable With Backend Automation
90) Methods of Increasing Profit Exponentially
91) Increase sales page conversion rate
92) Implement subscriber acquisition
93) Implement a 90 day daily e-newsletter
94) Create backend training at 5 times the price of the initial product
95) Create a coaching program at a monthly price equal to 2 times the price of the initial product
96) Implement a monthly membership with a price equal to the price of the initial product
97) Create an additional backend training at 10 times the price of the initial product
98) Create a high level training program at 100 times the price of the initial product
99) Increase traffic from high quality sources
100) Increase credibility through writing books and articles
101) Outsource all tasks that do not require your involvement
102) Increase subscriber bonds through email
103) Add an upsell path to every transaction
104) Partner with non-competing training providers for additional revenue streams
105) Create an affiliate program for additional sales
106) Create automated buyer relationship nurturing campaigns
107) Test everything for incremental improvement
108) Target the portion of your market that has the highest profit potential
109) Find an angle your competition isn’t and won’t use (concept of hidden backend)
110) Increase prices
111) Price Anchor for Highest Sales
112) Learn to sell the dream
113) Learn to close based on value not time
114) Sell based on trust not persuasion and hype
115) Discover an Easy Way to Create a Complete Training to Sell 100%
from Interviews with don't have to create a word of the
116) Sean's own special method of using this kind of training to position
YOU as the expert...and get to create future products at will using
this method
117) How to determine what you will teach on to create a complete training in less than 30 days...and sell for up to $497
118) How to get your subscribers to PAY YOU to create your products
live (Sean did this once and he's STILL making money selling the files!)
119) A super - simple way of creating new products FAST even if you have less than 100 subscribers!
120) How to Connect the Dots on Creating Coaching Training AND Product Creation at the SAME time
121) How to sell both products and coaching program clients from the
very first month in your information business (Or use this technique to
double current sales fast)
122) How to decide EXACTLY what your clients want to learn ...
So they will pay top dollar for it fast
123) Sean's own proprietary method of creating one product per month for
over 5 years (yes, that's what he did personally, give or take a month or
2 where Sean created more than one product, and a couple of times skipped
because of a month-long vacation)
124) This module includes Sean's own personal time management system - the very same system that
has allowed him to be super-productive and do more online than 99% of the rest in 5 years...
125) We teach you how to manage your time so that you only work on
what's important ... and literally learn to let everything else...GO....
126) A lot of training out there focuses on your time...We focus on
productiveness...and still get to take a lot of time off...We know
this module doesn't sound...exciting...but frankly, We don't want to give
away too much of how we do it right on this page. We frankly don't want
anyone reverse engineering the system from this page
127) Why you have to focus on a targeted part of the market - the part
that buys (most people don't buy and if you are targeting volume
instead of buyers, no wonder you aren't making enough sales)
128) A real-life example from a 5 year client on how she found
(very similar to how MANY people find Sean - and an interesting example of
how to use articles in your email marketing business
Well Guys, the scope of this course seems on par with a
university course (or at least a part of a university course) on
Internet Marketing/Coaching.
If it has not happened already then it’s clear that with the
growing body of knowledge people will put up their hands and say “I want
to go to university to study internet marketing/coaching.” --- Philip Fasan
129) We teach you the easiest coaching model we know of on earth....Our core simplicity model that works like this:
130) First 10 days - credibility campaign (this is a special 10 day
email campaign to get people on your list to trust you in 10 days or
131) Next - a special email series we teach you how to write - that
gets the people who want more from you (read: coaching) to raise their
hand and identify themselves
132) How to get those people on the phone for a free 20 minute
coaching session and how 1 out of 3 who get on the phone with you will
buy coaching or buy your training (exact words, what to say and how to
say it)
133) What to do next (next 10 emails)
134) What to create next to sell the most (here's the
know you should be making AT LEAST $1 per month per subscriber on your list,
right? If you are need this model!)
135) Sean's COMPLETE current traffic model - and we don't plan
on sharing this anywhere else - because frankly we don't want 1000's of people
doing it like Sean does it
136) Sean's email based content marketing model (we don't know of ANYONE on earth teaching this)
137) Why you shouldn't create beginner level products (this is worth the price of admission alone)
138) Our personal thoughts on video marketing (this is contrary, trust
139) Trust Based marketing is based on the idea that people buy based on trust, not sales hype - and
we teach you this model here
140) How to build trust fast on your list so people buy fast (the
biggest problem with many people's lists is subscribers don't buy soon
enough and you get bored, or just plain old go out of business)
141) How to write emails that create trust - frequency,
filtering, etc.
142) How to price for long term sales (get this wrong, people buy once or not at all, and your advertising dollars are wasted)
143) How to use pricing psychology to make more sales (we don't know
anyone who is teaching this right now - although we think many gurus are
doing this, even if they don't even realize it - we also think this may
be one distinguishing factor between winning sales campaigns and losing
144) Why to price from high to low or low to high
145) What kinds of products to create at what price points to create maximum sales
146) How to filter out beginners who don't buy and just waste your time
147) Why 90% of your subscribers don't buy and how to filter through them
148) Much, much more deep nuanced material Sean never before revealed outside of
his highest coaching programs
149) Sean's brand new content marketing model (this is article marketing on steroids)
150) How to leverage yourself 100 - 1000 times over with content marketing supercharged
151) (Note: this is one secret - Sean's new complete content marketing
plan - that we weren't planning to reveal before Sean took his business to the
covert level with his new marketing launch - but we have decided to include
this here before he locks things down)
152) The exact plan for how to maximize Google and search engine
traffic over the long term (instead of one month fads that disappear
after a few people get results ... You don't want to build that kind of
business, trust us)
Go ahead - you know this training is worth every cent, it's 100%
guaranteed . . . hundreds of past clients love our training - just do it -
get signed up today, let's get you on track today!
$97 Scratch that -
$47 a month - LIMITED Seats